Why I Suspended Social Media Activities and Halted Performances (Lamentations of An African child – The Gift of the Present): In the past weeks that witnessed the recent Nigeria elections, I suspended my weekly poetry performances on social media, and many wondered why. Though the nature of my day-job does not lend me to engage […]
“Poor security means poor business, which further means little or no profit, and the inevitable option to withdraw any profit eventually made rather than reinvest it. We have to build a solid foundation of peace and security of life and property upon which economic and political stability could thrive…”
“If only there could be an educating version of this program… Yet, these morons in BBN will earn millions for coming to suck breasts, speak thrash, display nudity, and get under the sheets on International TVs.”
Our question is: Wouldn’t it do Nigeria more good if Nigerians begin to see and evaluate Nigerian achievements from the viewpoint that appreciates and acknowledges such achievements rather than seeing them from the critical prism of political, tribal, or religious perspectives?
“While we are building the biggest churches and mosques, the Indians, South Africans, Chinese, Europeans and Americans have taken over our key markets: telecoms, satellite TV, multinationals, banking, oil and gas, automobile, aviation, shopping malls, hospitality, etc.”
Yet, in the face of all the troubles and challenges in today’s world, man is given the chance to reach within and strive to rise and triumph over the challenges of the times. In the process he gets the opportunity to rediscover his true nature and purpose as soul…
We must make sure the evacuations are complete, that those guilty of crimes in the situation are held accountable, and the sociopolitical situations, poor leaderships, and economic hardships in the home countries that result in these migrations (in the first place) are seriously addressed…
“warnings of such impending demise will always be there, tugging and pulling for recognition, but will always be ignored in the euphoria of the false security or false pleasure temporarily afforded by the selfish machinations to stay in power, maintain affluence, score vengeance, or political advantage…..”
Guest Editorial Opinion: Bargaining And Haggling With Struggling, Poor, Small Vendors, or Low Income Earner Most times when we walk into big malls, boutiques and supermarkets we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff. But the moment we are out […]
“If Germany is genuinely committed to an African Marshall Plan, one that treats Africa as a genuine and equal partner; and whose ambition is not a temporary fix to a migration crisis, but an attempt to cooperatively to stimulate entrepreneurship and broad-based economic growth in Africa…”
“…the intelligence of the Ibos (Igbos/Ndigbo) of southeastern Nigeria has been a subject of many discussions. Below is a US Academic report that addresses the subject using facts, figures, numbers, and charts.
” All I can really offer is that you keep consistent, do the work – no shortcuts, have patience, persistence, positivity and be yourself, not what you think others want or need you to be. Believe in yourself…”
“Africans must rise to the challenge of telling their own stories. There are many African stories to be told, and histories and cultures to be safeguarded through the African perspective. Nollywood offers both a voice for our people and a bed of investment opportunities to be explored and enjoyed.”
“Be the keeper of your own gate of information. Invest a brief moment of research to verify anything suspicious or outrageous. Every human being has the ability of choice and the faculty of imagination and analysis. That is what makes man a divine creature. One has to be alert and aware to be able to feed on the right stuff.”
“What bothers me is that African leaders are so obsessed with looting their countries, and not doing anything to elevate their people. Africans must wake up to the impending new World Order. There is a new wave of imperialism gathering steam. Africans, be prepared lest we are colonized second time around.”
“Don’t get too caught up in who is president. As Professor Devin writes, you must get comfortable with discomfort…. The election is over. Results are in. Crying, whining, complaining or pontificating does nothing now. Let’s strategize.”
“There are many African stories to be told, and many histories and cultures to be safeguarded through the African perspective. Nollywood offers both a voice for our people in today’s dynamic socio-economic environment and a bed of investment opportunities to be explored and enjoyed.”
“The time is now! We can’t wait for no one. We have stayed long enough to start doing it ourselves. We have overgrown being baby seated. We have delayed Africa’s development by waiting for some other to do it for us.”
“In this bold piece, Mr. Fani-Kayode makes an assessment of the current situation in Nigeria and thereby raised some issues of concern. Is he a man speaking the truth or a mere member of the opposition…”
“…a few facts and figures to highlight the contributions that African immigrants currently play in United States. The strength of America’s economy and civil society depends on its New Americans. Immigrants from Africa and their children are bringing new strength and vigor to the country.”
“In a White House memo dated Tuesday, January 28, 1969 to President Nixon, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger describes the Igbos as “the wandering Jews of West Africa – gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbors in the federation”(foreign relations document, volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972).”
“Totalitarian dictators must not be rewarded with the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The time for such shameful action is past. Africa needs to turn a new leaf. We don’t need the august body to be tainted with the excreta of leaders who believe they are above the law, who hold sham elections while jailing their opponents…”
“Nigeria is in the throes of a terrible ideological struggle between Liberal Democracy and Sharia that must be resolved in favor of Liberal Democracy in the best interest of the divergent ethnic, cultural, and religious groups in the nation.”
“Just ten years ago, Ghana had the most reliable electricity supply in all of Africa …the IMF insisted that VRA be broken up…The result is disaster. There are more power cuts in Ghana than ever in its entire history as an independent state…”
Jean Emmanuel Jabouin, plus connu sous le sobriquet de Talès, a rendu son dernier soupir le 24 septembre écoulé à l’University Hospital (Tamarac, Floride). Il avait 85 ans. Talès a quitté ce monde avec une impressionnante feuille de route. Ancien membre de nombreux ensembles musicaux tant en Haïti qu’à l’étranger, premier trompettiste du Conjunto International, […]
With its favourable legislation and mysteriously attractive charm, Africa is becoming the gaming oasis of today. About 30 African Countries are in possession of casinos and gaming machines. Attracting players from all around the world, many online gambling websites offer detailed information and guidelines regarding gambling in Africa, Gambling Africa among others, as well as […]
“African gift to the world. it is a direct effort to uphold African responsibility of self determination and value proposition within the universal ecosystem.”
“It makes no sense to spend billions of the peoples money on less than one per cent of the population. “Islam directs that pilgrimage should be for the person with the means and not the individual with access to government. ”
…there are lingering questions that must boldly be asked and sincerely answered if we truly want to address the economic challenges facing Africa today especially in making progress in the effort to reduce the housing deficit in Africa…
Okechukwu Okugo is a poet, dramatist and a Copy-Editor who has published other books and written a novel yet unpublished. Was one of the pioneer contributors to Xthetiks magazine, P.H. and currently contributes to The I-Life Magazine, New York.
Look at what you have achieved. APC swept the elections in Nigeria; your “Change” slogan had Nigerians vote overwhelmingly for a former tyrant and dictator who imposed draconian laws …But did you notice anything anomalous in the delegation that you just welcomed to Washington, DC?
There are too few examples in the history of Nigeria since independence where it can be said that good management and governance were instituted at a national level. This lack of a governance framework has allowed many of those in charge, devoid of any real checks and balances, to plunder.
If Nigerians truly want change, this is the time for the populace backed by the media to amplify the call to set the trend and momentum to sustain a change of the status quo or else it would soon become business as usual at the top.
Many may not know him or believe in his belief of Rastafarianism. Yet if one puts aside the cloak of religion, politics, and race, and rather listen to the substance of his lyrics, one could find a lot of helpful gems of individual and societal food for thought…
“We believe in hard work,” Aborowa said of herself and other Nigerians. “It’s in the blood, to go hard every time, to go for what you want.” “People can take your wealth, your property, but they cannot take away your knowledge or that diploma,” Romanus Amukamara said.
Struggles help all of us, that’s why a wee bit of effort goes a long way to develop our strength to face life’s difficulties! As parents, we sometimes go too far trying to help and protect our kids from life’s harsh realities and disappointments.