Articles, Letters, Opinions

Oliver O. Mbamara - performing the poem, "Lamentations of An African child

Why I Suspended Social Media Activities and Halted Performances (Lamentations of An African child)

Why I Suspended Social Media Activities and Halted Performances (Lamentations of An African child – The Gift of the Present): In the past weeks that witnessed the recent Nigeria elections, I suspended my weekly poetry performances on social media, and many wondered why. Though the nature of my day-job does not lend me to engage […]

Oliver Oscar Mbamara, Esq., Admin Judge of New York State, FIlmmaker, Poet, Actor, and Publisher

President, Nollywood Producers Guild USA Calls for Support in The Telling of African Stories Through Film

“Africans must rise to the challenge of telling their own stories. There are many African stories to be told, and histories and cultures to be safeguarded through the African perspective. Nollywood offers both a voice for our people and a bed of investment opportunities to be explored and enjoyed.”

Picture of Ibo masquerade performing an an African event

History of An African People: Igbo people of Nigeria; JEWS OF AFRICA – By Dr. Leonard Madu.

“In a White House memo dated Tuesday, January 28, 1969 to President Nixon, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger describes the Igbos as “the wandering Jews of West Africa – gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbors in the federation”(foreign relations document, volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972).”

Dr. Chika Onyeani

Onyeani’s Letter To Africa: Africa Needs Stronger Leadership For A.U. Commission Chairperson

“Totalitarian dictators must not be rewarded with the position of Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The time for such shameful action is past. Africa needs to turn a new leaf. We don’t need the august body to be tainted with the excreta of leaders who believe they are above the law, who hold sham elections while jailing their opponents…”


Hommage A Jean Emmanuel Jabouin, Un Des Pionniers Du Compas Direct – Par Louis Carl Saint Jean

Jean Emmanuel Jabouin, plus connu sous le sobriquet de Talès, a rendu son dernier soupir le 24 septembre écoulé à l’University Hospital (Tamarac, Floride). Il avait 85 ans. Talès a quitté ce monde avec une impressionnante feuille de route. Ancien membre de nombreux ensembles musicaux tant en Haïti qu’à l’étranger,  premier trompettiste du Conjunto International, […]

Top Ten Most Popular Casino Resorts In Africa

With its favourable legislation and mysteriously attractive charm, Africa is becoming the gaming oasis of today. About 30 African Countries are in possession of casinos and gaming machines. Attracting players from all around the world, many online gambling websites offer detailed information and guidelines regarding gambling in Africa, Gambling Africa among others, as well as […] is an online magazine dedicated to the presentation and promotion of African theater, plays, culture, talents, fashion, pictures, and traditions around the globe.....

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