This piece states that a a group of Canadian scientists discovered that there’s an effective herb that can kill cancer naturally and without side-effects in just 2 days! If true, this would be great. But is it true? Do Your Research, and Let’s Discuss.
In this health and fitness highlight, we present a Foxnews report on 5 Weird Ways Tattoos Affect Your Health. Do you agree? Read and let us know what you think. A tattoo convention this past weekend in Quito, Ecuador, brought a dizzying array of colorfully tattooed bodies. Not as prominently featured? Some of the weird […]
“the arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans…also, Chicken litter containing arsenic is fed to cows… So the arsenic…gets consumed and concentrated in the tissues of cows,…”
Ebola has been ravaging West Africa including our dear country Nigeria. More than 2,000 lives have been lost and the situation is still gloomy. Though Nigeria has demonstrated that it can effectively handle the outbreak (we are documenting how Lagos State and Federal authorities combined to effectively handle the situation as an example of good […]
“With some vegetables, the micronutrients are heat-sensitive and can be destroyed by cooking. But with others, cooking allows the body to absorb more of the beneficial compounds because heat releases the nutrients from the cell matrix to which they are bound.”
“Women can reduce their risk of breast cancer by maintaining a healthy weight, drinking less alcohol and being physically active, and it’s not a bad idea to swap some red meat – which is linked to bowel cancer – for white meat, beans or fish,”
The researchers suggested that saturated fat from red meat may be behind the increased heart risk and the sodium used in processed meats may “increase cardiovascular disease risk through its effect on blood pressure”.
I personally have nothing against homosexuality…, but what I do have a problem with is with the concept of human rights and the hypocrisy of the Western world in their definition and usage of the term…saying polygamy violates the sacredness of marriage is oppressive as saying homosexuality violates the sacredness of marriage…. Legalize polygamous marriage and only then will you be justified to condemn (anti-homosexual laws)…
Invest in the Future. Defeat Malaria. World Malaria Day 2014 We are not there yet. Malaria still kills an estimated 627 000 people every year, mainly children under 5 years of age in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2013, 97 countries had on-going malaria transmission. Every year, more than 200 million cases occur; most of these cases […]
The bottom line? Graviola, like many other plants, has shown promise in laboratory tests as a possible cancer fighting agent. However, given that there have been no significant human tests of the products and there is currently no evidence to suggest that eating sour sop will cure or effectively treat cancer, spreading this over-hyped and inaccurate nonsense will help nobody. Especially since the possible side effects of graviola are not fully understood and may be quite dangerous. And another great danger of such misinformation is that it may cause some cancer patients to forgo traditional treatments in favour of self prescribed sour sop. Such a decision could be fatal.
As a cancer buster, it is said that the leaves and bark of wild soursop trees, preferably grown organically, contains the most healing properties. These are dried and made into a tea and then boiled to extract the medicinal compounds. Contrary to belief, the soursop healing properties have been studied by medical research facilities for many decades. Promising results indicate that soursop has the natural ability to target and kill damaged cells. However, its effectiveness has yet to be determined thus it hasn’t been marketed formally as a cancer cure.
Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury, protection from bacteria and other unwanted pathogens, and is the visible result of long awaited adolescent hormones, certainly nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.