…through help of former President John Quincy Adams, the Africans won the case. Somebody must take responsibility and damages must be paid. Spain, having joined the action must take the greatest responsibility to pay compensation
Depuis la rédaction magistrale d’« En écoutant Haïtiando » en mars 2000 par l’ex-président Leslie François Manigat, l’article « Toujou sou konpa » publié en juillet 2014 par Vincent Joos […]
“there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another…”
It was a pleasure to see the transparency and candor with which the organization’s records and activities were managed.
Ahmed counselled Muslims to shun all forms of vices, especially violence, that could hinder harmonious existence with people of other faiths, adding that , “It is not a mistake that God made people of diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds to co-exist in the country; it is for a purpose.
“Our religion says no compulsion on religion. We are not supposed to say what we don’t do…Usman Danfodio’s Jihad never forced people to accept Islam. It only came in to transform Islam to teach Muslims to practice Islam…”
“…incompetent people are inherently unable to judge the competence of other people, or the quality of those people’s ideas…democracies rarely or never elect the best leaders. Their advantage over dictatorships or other forms of government is merely that they “effectively prevent lower-than-average candidates from becoming leaders.”
“…this particular tournament will go down in history as a special world event that changes the paradigm of diversity and inclusion in national representation as well as sets a vision of branding a new world image. “
It is all a reflection of the kind of countries and environment we have created for ourselves. No national team that is divided in its objectives, distracted in its focus, or partially motivated in its zeal will ever win a world tournament like the world cup. It would be unfair to others who put their lives on the line to win for their country men and women….
“last year (as in other cases when Nigeria performed well), the government and people of Nigeria showered the National Soccer team with appreciation gifts in cash and property. What then could possibly be the justification for the players to rather opt for appearance fees even when history indicates that they would have gotten more from the government and people of Nigeria if they had performed better?
Since the commencement of debate at Nigeria’s national conference, the chairman placed embargo on clapping. However, that embargo was overturned by delegates after a rousing and electrifying speech by a […]
I personally have nothing against homosexuality…, but what I do have a problem with is with the concept of human rights and the hypocrisy of the Western world in their definition and usage of the term…saying polygamy violates the sacredness of marriage is oppressive as saying homosexuality violates the sacredness of marriage…. Legalize polygamous marriage and only then will you be justified to condemn (anti-homosexual laws)…
At this very moment I’m writing this article, 14 African countries are obliged by France, trough a colonial pact, to put 85% of their foreign reserve into France central bank under French minister of Finance control. Until now, 2014, Togo and about 13 other African countries still have to pay colonial debt to France. African leaders who refuse are killed or victims of coups…MORE
…anniversary of World War II is being commemorated around the world, but the contribution of one group of soldiers is almost universally ignored. How many now recall the role of more than one million African troops? Yet they fought in the deserts of North Africa, the jungles of Burma and over the skies of Germany….MORE
“Our constant search and struggle for development resources is linked directly to the historical inability of our nations to accumulate wealth from the efforts of our peoples during slavery and colonialism,” said Baldwin Spencer, prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, in July this year. Reparations, he said, must be directed toward repairing the damage inflicted by slavery and racism….MORE
POWER AFRICA, A CMPI DIALOGUE -A speech delivered at the conference hall, African Union to the United Nation 305 East 47th street, fifth floor, New York by_ Dr. Sylvester Okere, Executive […]
On Tuesday, September 11th 2001 when four passenger jets were hijacked and intentionally crashed in the United States of America, killing nearly 3,000 people, many knew that it was the […]