“warnings of such impending demise will always be there, tugging and pulling for recognition, but will always be ignored in the euphoria of the false security or false pleasure temporarily afforded by the selfish machinations to stay in power, maintain affluence, score vengeance, or political advantage…..”
When that moment of reckoning begins to unfold, it dawns on the manipulator that his power, status, or affluence cannot stop or change the course of things for justice cannot be bribed, influenced or manipulated. The law of Life must take Its course.
It becomes pertinent for each individual or group of us to reexamine our beliefs in the face of today’s world and ask ourselves – how reasonable are our beliefs, how certain are we of our purposes on earth, and how do our beliefs help in answering these questions?
Since the commencement of debate at Nigeria’s national conference, the chairman placed embargo on clapping. However, that embargo was overturned by delegates after a rousing and electrifying speech by a delegate representing the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Alhaji Nurudeen Lemu from Niger State. His speech got a standing ovation and thunderous round of applause. […]
On Tuesday, September 11th 2001 when four passenger jets were hijacked and intentionally crashed in the United States of America, killing nearly 3,000 people, many knew that it was the start of a dark era in the stability of the world order. However, few would have imagined twelve years on, the effects of that fateful […]