While some players lost at the world cup, and others are asking for raises or insisting on match appearance fees before playing, Mesut Ozil, of World Cup champion Germany, is paying for 23 Kids’ Surgeries In Brazil

While some players lost at the world cup, and others are asking for raises or insisting on match appearance fees before playing, Mesut Ozil, of World Cup champion Germany, is paying for 23 Kids’ Surgeries In Brazil
“…this particular tournament will go down in history as a special world event that changes the paradigm of diversity and inclusion in national representation as well as sets a vision of branding a new world image. “
It is all a reflection of the kind of countries and environment we have created for ourselves. No national team that is divided in its objectives, distracted in its focus, or partially motivated in its zeal will ever win a world tournament like the world cup. It would be unfair to others who put their lives on the line to win for their country men and women….
According to local reports in Sao Paulo Brazil, a man was found half-buried in the cemetery in a suburb of Sao Paulo, by a woman visiting the cemetery. Police say the man was attacked, taken for dead, and subsequently buried. That was until the woman saw the man she expected to be dead, actually alive, […]