Yet, in the face of all the troubles and challenges in today’s world, man is given the chance to reach within and strive to rise and triumph over the challenges of the times. In the process he gets the opportunity to rediscover his true nature and purpose as soul…
Incendiary remarks could trigger unimaginable reactions and reprisals that could spiral out of control. If leaders continue to feed the populace with statements and sentiments of a tribal, political, or religious nature, it will be a daunting task to overcome division, dichotomy, and disunity within the nation.
On Tuesday, September 11th 2001 when four passenger jets were hijacked and intentionally crashed in the United States of America, killing nearly 3,000 people, many knew that it was the […]
Of Violence, Deportations, & Unguarded Rhetoric – History Should Teach Us Better
Incendiary remarks could trigger unimaginable reactions and reprisals that could spiral out of control. If leaders continue to feed the populace with statements and sentiments of a tribal, political, or religious nature, it will be a daunting task to overcome division, dichotomy, and disunity within the nation.