Joni Wellness Celebrates 60th Birthday Anniversary in Madison New Jersey
Madison, New Jersey, USA: Yoga Instructor Joni (Yecalsik) Wellness recently celebrated her 60th birthday anniversary. The event was attended by friends, relatives, and well wishers. The event which was co-hosted with Studio Yoga in Madison New Jersey, was also an opportunity to shine some light and drum up support for a project Joni has been volunteering with for some time now titled, “100 Peaceful Solutions for Women’s Advancement Across Cultures By African Views Collective Authors.” The book is a compilation of actionable ideas, definitions, anecdotes, stories, institutional doctrines, laws, compelling analysis, and historical efforts from women, men, and institutions who conceived them as indispensable to full comprehension of the importance and guidelines of gender equality everywhere in the world. E-book version available on Lulu. The birthday event also witnessed an impromptu drumming session during which all guests were invited to partake in some drumming and dancing with Joni. Exclusive pictures by African Events.
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