Nze & Lolo Ereke Egwim Installation by Owerrenkworji Autonomous Community as the Akuruoulo of OwerriNkworji. The people of Owerrenkworji Autonomous Community on December 12, 2017 conferred the title of Nze and Lolo Akuruoulo of Owerrinkworji on their son, father, husband, and brother Nze Ereke Egwim and his wife and Lolo Egwim. The coronation event was […]
“…the intelligence of the Ibos (Igbos/Ndigbo) of southeastern Nigeria has been a subject of many discussions. Below is a US Academic report that addresses the subject using facts, figures, numbers, and charts.
United Kingdom: The Igbo Cultural and Support Network (ICSN) recently held its annual IRI-JI festival at the Oasis Banqueting Hall, Thames Road, United Kingdom. The event was a wonderful celebration of one of the most beautiful aspects of Nigerian Igbo Heritage and Culture. In addition to special guests, games, prizes and the latest music in […]
“In a White House memo dated Tuesday, January 28, 1969 to President Nixon, former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger describes the Igbos as “the wandering Jews of West Africa – gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbors in the federation”(foreign relations document, volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972).”
Bronx, New York: Recently, the Mbano Community in the New York Area recently held its Annual Fundraising Party 2016 in Bronx, New York. The event was attended by friends and well wishers of the Mbano people from around the United States and even from outside North America. HOW IT HAPPENED: The event kicked off with […]
Organized particularly for the enrichment of Igbo culture among the younger generation, the event was attended by Igbo youths as well as adults and the elderly and featured Igbo cultural performances.