African Events Wedding: Joy Weds Moses in New Jersey:
The families of Ejiofor in south-eastern Nigeria and the families of Adedeji from south-western Nigeria came together recently to witness the marriages of their children, Moses Adedeji and Joy Ejiofor. The event was held at the Pantagis Renaissance Scotch Plains New Jersey, and was attended by friends and relatives from around the world. From Nigeria to London, to USA, they turned out to celebrate with the couple – Mr. & Mrs. Adecdeji.
HOW IT HAPPENED: The event commenced with the sitting of guests followed by opening prayer and the ushering in of the bride and the groom. Dinner was served before the celebrants were invited by MC, Bethels Agomuoh to cut the cake. This was followed by the couples official first dance as a married couple. Groom, Moses Adedeji gave the vote of thanks and people then went ahead to dance and party some more. Pictures by Afrcan Events.