Soursop Stories Still Creating Stir – US radio host visits cancer survivor

After the live interview, Dr Grant told The Gleaner, “I can go back and now say, I have met them, I have seen them. They have told me how it’s done, what it has done. They have the medical records right there in the home. I am a believer. I now believe even more that this soursop cured Mrs Kirlew, and it is a miracle drug. If my visit saved one life – this visit from Florida to Discovery Bay, Jamaica – just one life, it would have been worth it.”.

Is Sour Sop a Cancer Killer 10,000 times Stronger Than Chemotherapy?

The bottom line? Graviola, like many other plants, has shown promise in laboratory tests as a possible cancer fighting agent. However, given that there have been no significant human tests of the products and there is currently no evidence to suggest that eating sour sop will cure or effectively treat cancer, spreading this over-hyped and inaccurate nonsense will help nobody. Especially since the possible side effects of graviola are not fully understood and may be quite dangerous. And another great danger of such misinformation is that it may cause some cancer patients to forgo traditional treatments in favour of self prescribed sour sop. Such a decision could be fatal.

Soursop Fruit Kills Cancer

As a cancer buster, it is said that the leaves and bark of wild soursop trees, preferably grown organically, contains the most healing properties. These are dried and made into a tea and then boiled to extract the medicinal compounds. Contrary to belief, the soursop healing properties have been studied by medical research facilities for many decades. Promising results indicate that soursop has the natural ability to target and kill damaged cells. However, its effectiveness has yet to be determined thus it hasn’t been marketed formally as a cancer cure. is an online magazine dedicated to the presentation and promotion of African theater, plays, culture, talents, fashion, pictures, and traditions around the globe.....

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