Celebration of Black Writing – May 1 – 31, 2014

Celebration of Black Writing – May 1 – 31, 2014


FREE TICKETS TO THE BARNES!Special thanks to Art Sanctuary sponsor, PECO, for offering free tickets to the Barnes to the
Art Sanctuary community.Each first Sunday of the month, visitors enjoy free admission, family entertainment and informative seminars from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. courtesy of PECO.The tickets are valid for Sunday, April 6, 2014 only. April’s theme is “Magic Ladders: Book Explosion”Tickets are limited: first come, first served. Please reserve your tickets by emailing Jazmine Gould at jgould
(please put BARNES in the subject line). Please include your name and number of tickets you desire.

A variety of music themed programming will take place throughout the Barnes on the 6th.

The tentative schedule:
Live Podcast “In the Sanctuary”, 1-1:30 p.m.
Valerie V. Gay, Executive Director of Art Sanctuary and author Soloman Jones will have a conversation via live podcast.

CRED: The Village of Arts and Humanities 1-3 p.m.
CRED is an arts and culture magazine that supports Philly’s young artists, designers, journalists, activists, and entrepreneurs by providing them with opportunities to contribute and curate published content as well as advertise their business and services.

Mighty Writers, 1:50-2:15 p.m.
The mission of Mighty Writers is to teach Philadelphia kids (ages 7 to 17) to think and write with clarity so they can achieve success at school, work, and in life. The organization offers a daily afterschool Academy, plus long- and short-term writing classes, mentorships, a Mighty Teen Scholars program, SAT Prep courses and college essay writing classes all free to Philadelphia students.

Donovan Moore, 2:15-2:45 p.m.
This young, aspiring, singer-songwriter has been performing throughout the tri-state area for the past few years. The highlight of his performances has been singing with the Philadelphia Boys Choirs with the Philly POPS on tour for the World’s Fair in Shanghai, China.

The Kimmel Center Creative Music Program, 3-4 p.m.
The Kimmel Center Creative Music Program for Jazz is a free school year music program, intended for students between the ages of 11 and 20.Throughout each session students will explore the expansive field of creative music via original and legacy compositions. Most importantly, the Creative Music Program provides an environment where the brightest young jazz talents of today are able to gain invaluable experience from some of the greatest and most revered working jazz musicians on the scene.

While at the Barnes, be sure to check out the current exhibit:
A British artist of Nigerian descent, Shonibare (b. 1962) creates work that cites the artistic and intellectual history of Europe. His sculptures-life-sized mannequins clothed in the Dutch wax fabrics associated with Africa-offer a dramatic, playful, irreverent examina­tion of identity, history, and politics.

This show focuses on education, enlightenment, and opportunity, ideals embraced by Dr. Barnes. It features sculptures, paintings, photographs, an installation, and a commission.



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