Niger in the Shadow of the “Giant of Africa” – Nigeria – and under Threat from Boko Haram

Niger in the Shadow of the “Giant of Africa” – Nigeria – and under Threat from Boko Haram


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Date(s) - Mar 11, 2015
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

John Haynes Holmes Community House


Niger is rich in natural resources yet is beset by economic inequality, chronic poverty, and civil strife. This seminar is based on Amnesty International’s recent report “The State of the World’s Human Rights 2014 / 2015”. Dr. Gladys Melo-Pinzon will review the human rights situation in Sub-Saharan West Africa, (with special focus on Niger and Nigeria), and outline United States foreign policy towards the region. What are the implications of these policies for the human rights and well-being of the people of the region? As Americans, what can we do to assist the process of human and economic development?

Dr. Gladys Melo-Pinzon is the Senegal / Niger Country Specialist of Amnesty USA (AIUSA), the Amnesty International’s Section in the US and part of the global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights.



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