Argus FMB Africa Fertilizer 2015


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Date(s) - Feb 18, 2015 - Feb 20, 2015
9:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Sheraton Addis


The Argus FMB Africa Fertilizer 2015 conference gives you a chance to meet leading producers, major buyers and distributors and all categories of essential service providers.

Last year’s conference attracted over 450 attendees from 70 companies and over 60 countries at the conference in Marrakech. The 2015 event offers you the chance to network over 3 days with the industry’s most senior executives. It is your opportunity to meet the market – from leading producers to major buyers and distributors, and all categories of essential service providers.

Book early to avoid disappointment. E-mail, call +44 (0) 20 89797 866 or visit the weblink provided.

Key reasons to attend:

Learn: Hear the latest market developments from industry experts and analysts during two mornings of insightful discussions

Explore: Our exhibition space features the latest technology, equipment, logistics and service providers from around the world

Discuss: This year’s event will focus on bulk blending versus processing, multi-nutrient application and soil mapping in Africa

Meet: Major producers, traders, policy and financial advisers, distributors and NGO’s, throughout Africa and beyond
Visit: Tullo Bollo, Ethiopia’s first ever blending facility

Previously registered companies include:

Transammonia, OCI Nitrogen, K+S Kali, Yara, IFD, BPC, IFA, PotashCorp, Helm, Africa Finance Corporation, AFAP, Sinochem, FBN Bank, Maaden, SGS, Koch Fertilizer, Louis Dreyfus Commodities, OCP Group, Sinochem, Ameropa, Agrium, Keytrade and many more.

For further information about the 2015 Argus FMB Fertilizer Africa conference, please visit the conference website or contact Argus.



Price: 2 Day Pass: £925, 2 Day Pass: €1,180, 2 Day Pass: $1,580

Speakers: Jean Bakole, Bashir Jama, Mustapha El Ouafi, Mulugeta Demis, Kalim M.Shah, Patricia Imas, Mike Nash, Prem Bindraban, Jeff Ivan, Lucy Muchoki, Richard Mkandawire, Chaste Nyilimana, Patrice Annequin



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