54th Nigeria Independence Parade & Festival Celebrations 2014 in New York – Main Event October 11

54th Nigeria Independence Parade & Festival Celebrations 2014 in New York – Main Event October 11


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Date(s) - Oct 11, 2014
12:00 am - 8:00 pm

2nd Avenue (54th to 44th Streets)


Come see for the first time in America real Nigerian Activist – Artist!!! The First son of Portharcout as he performs with other world famous Artistes from Nigeria and Ghana at the Nigeria Independence Day in New York City. Make una spread the news ooooooo. Put it on your face books, websites and all other social media outlets. Come and welcome the first son of Port Harcourt to the capital of the world.

Other Lined Up Programs

Thursday, October 9th – Welcome Party – Venue: FESTAC ULTRA LOUNGE, 263 Hendrix St, Brooklyn, NY Time: 8:00 PM Free

Friday, October 10 – Culture Night –Venue: ROULETTE THEATRE, 509 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217(Corner of 3rd and Atlantic)Time: 8PM – 12AMFee: Adults – $10 before 9:00 pm and $15 after 9PM; $5 Children (under 18).
Saturday, October 11 – Nigeria Independence Day Parade & Festival –Venue: Parade starts at 54th Street & 2nd avenue. Time: 11:00AM Post Parade Festival: Immediately following the parade will be the festival of food, music, and lots of fun in the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, where local and international artistes, including artist and cultural troupes from Nigeria and the Diaspora will perform at the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza on 47th Street & Second Avenue(Near United Nations Headquarters). For more information, please visit – www.oanweb.org




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